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Monday, 22 August 2011

It’s my entire fault

 Has taken me over a week to post this up. I have been really slack lately.

On Tuesday the 9th of August 2011 I attended my appointment with Dr Mohamed Abdelhady at 3pm. Both Stephen and Kelly attended the appointment with me.

The appointment went from bad to shit within about half an hour. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady was completely a big fat twat that everything he said was right and gave that I knew nothing. He is one fucking asshole. All day I just didn’t want to attend the appointment as I had a gut feeling that it was not going to go well.

Dr Mohamed Abdelhady got me to fill out the same questionnaire like I did the time before, which was all good with me. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady then looked at the questionnaire and said that it was pretty much the same as last time. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady then asked what had been happening so we told him. Stephen got to the point to saying that I am unbearable to be around, it was like walking on egg shells with me at the moment and it is starting to affect our relationship. 

I told Dr Mohamed Abdelhady that I was wanting to self harm and I have self harm once by using a knife on my right wrist and cutting it. Also I said that it has a lot worst in the past two weeks since I saw him last.

We told Dr Mohamed Abdelhady that we are unsure if I am having a bit of a reaction to Mirtazapine or to something else as I have broken out with a bit of a rash on my face, arms and back. At that point he didn’t seem to care a hell a lot, apart from telling me to take anti-allergic medication for a week then stop. 

Dr Mohamed Abdelhady then started to go on about Stephen and mine relationship, how my depression is caused by it and it is my fault now because I have the depression etc. Then he goes onto say that we need relationship counselling, I refused and reminded him that I do not do the whole counselling buzz and why. He was told right at the start that I don’t trust the fuckers and never have.  He was going to me that you shouldn’t let one or two bad experiences let you stop from having trust in them. I felt like saying well I like you to walk in my shoes and see how you fucking feel cunt but I am wishing I had said something along those lines.

By this stage I was really regretting about keeping my appointment with Dr Mohamed Abdelhady. I just wished that I could just disappear at the snap of my fingers. I felt guilty because the shit I have had in my life and because of it, that I do not have any trust in anyone.

He kept going on about needing to trust. I then turned and said it is like me not being able to fully trust mental health because mental health keeps fucking me around. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady then turned around and said to me that I shouldn’t be there seeing him then. I just stood up and said well I just leave now then and I just walked out. I remember hearing Stephen say, see what I have to deal with everyday. He said it in a way that made me feel like I was wasting his time. Both Kelly and Stephen were horrified about what just happen. I don’t think those two knew what to think or say right at that point. Kelly said later on after the appointment that she knew that something was going to happen when he went on about the relationship counselling and I refused. As she said I clamped up. I just left Kelly and Stephen just sitting there.

As I was walking off Kelly came after me. When I heard her call out to me, I just said to her to piss off and leave me the fuck alone. As I got to the grass to the town side of the Horowhenua Health Centre I just dropped to the ground and by the time I hit the ground I was into full on tears. After a few minutes I got myself together and headed down parker ave and sat at Playford Park for a bit.

While I was sitting at Playford Park I text Stephen and said I am so fucking sorry for causing so much stress in the relationship. If you want to break up with me then I don’t blame you. Tell me if it is over and I will leave.

When I walked out, Kelly said to Dr Mohamed Abdelhady should I go after her. He said yes. While Kelly came after me, Dr Mohamed Abdelhady started talking to Stephen, saying to him that he needs to go and see his doctor about how he gets worried and stress about things that people normally don’t get stress about.

Then Stephen said that’s when Kelly walked back in and said that I won’t come back and I told her to fuck off and leave me alone.

Dr Mohamed Abdelhady then started talking to them about Mirtazapine. Both Kelly and Stephen think he said that he wants to put the Mirtazapine up from ½ tablets to 1 tablet a day. But they can’t fully remember. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady also added that he wants me to take Loratadine for a week then stop it and he also wants a blood test done as that can sometimes show if someone is having allergic reaction to medication.

Dr Mohamed Abdelhady then made another appointment for me for Tuesday 23rd of August at 2pm.

Stephen said to Dr Mohamed Abdelhady that he thinks that I should be admitted to ward 21. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady said no at this stage but they have thought about putting me into respite first and see how I go and see if that works first and if that doesn’t help then they will think about admitting me to ward 21. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady said that they are hoping to see if I act any different without anyone from my normal circle of people. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady said that if it doesn’t help then he will look at me being admitted. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady doesn’t want me to be admitted at this stage for two reasons. First reason was that they no doubt won’t let me stay for the amount of time I need. The second reason Stephen can’t remember what it was.

Stephen said that I got annoyed because he said to me at the last meeting that I have Maxine as my key worker then I get this letter stating that I have a appointment with a Simon MacDonald for the Wednesday the following week, also getting told over the phone that he was my key worker when I rang to ask about it. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady said that they gave me Simon MacDonald at the start but then decided that they were going to have Maxine as my key worker as they seen the way I reacted with Maxine at one of the appointments and they thought I will get on with her better. So according to Dr Mohamed Abdelhady I have Maxine as a key worker. Hopefully the story doesn’t change again.

Dr Mohamed Abdelhady gave Stephen my appointment card and the blood test form. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady said he will get Maxine to give me a ring on the Wednesday and said to Stephen that he will see him at the next appointment. Dr Mohamed Abdelhady forgot to give Stephen the script for Loratadine. Then Kelly and Stephen left.

I rang Kelly on her cell phone to see where they were at. She said that they were on the way back to our place and where was I. I told her and she said that they will come now and pick me up.

On the way home I broke down in tears again and was just beside myself with how the appointment turned out. Both Stephen and Kelly tried to calm me down as Stephen was driving the car. When we got home, I just sat on the sofa and just cried. While Kelly makes a hot Milo for us all and then jumped onto facebook for a bit, Stephen went out and started cleaning up the car shed.

Sometime between 4pm and 4.30pm I walked out and fucked off for a few hours. I was at that stage I don’t have the energy physically, emotionally or mentally to go on. I just wanted to end it right there and then. I walked around Levin between 5 and 6 hours.

In that time Stephen got really worried about me. He had ringed the crisis team and spoke to them. Crisis team said to him to try and get me home and if not just to ring the police. So at about 6.30 pm he did. In my wondering state I had only seen one police car.

I was heading home. As I was walking up Cambridge Street towards Bath Street, I started to have a panic attack. I don’t really know what bought it on. I was still having it as I got to Bath Street and at the same time decided to go over the railway lines to walk along the south service lane. It hadn’t clicked at that stage that there was a train coming. I shot across the railway line and about 10 to 20 seconds later the train went pass. That’s when it hit me that there was a train and I could have got hit. I think this made my panic attack worst. I carried on home. Crossing Queen Street into the north service land and coming out of an ally type thing that came out across the road to KFC.

I ended stopping off at Kelly’s place on the way home for a toilet stop. Kelly and I spoke for a few minutes. She asked me now I was and told her my mood hasn’t changed.  After that I carried on home. Stephen had a shower and then rang the police to let them know that I arrived home. That was ok. Stephen rang the crisis team when I was about to take an overdose. He told the crisis team and they told him to take the drugs off me and they rang the police. The police came and took me down to the police station. I was then processed and put into the cell.

 I wait for over 4 hours for the crisis team to arrive. They did their assessment. They were shocked with the treatment that I received to date from the Horowhenua Mental Health team. They said that they will send them a report and in the report they will tell Levin that they need to get their act together and bring me into the loop so I know what is going on and I am not getting confused with getting told two different things or not getting told at all. The police took me home. I got home sometime between 4.30am and 5am plus I had to be up at lease 8am because Stephen had a hospital appointment at Palmerston North Hospital at 9.15am.

Maxine didn’t ring at all on the Wednesday so Stephen rang and asked for her to find she was in Otaki. So he left a message for her to ring and he asked about putting the Mirtazapine to one tablet, they told Stephen that the doctors notes had not been written up and put into file yet and at this stage stay at a half tab.

On the Thursday Stephen and I had gone to Palmerston North because Stephen had a doctor’s appointment. Maxine had rang and left a message on our landline answer phone saying that I have been booked into respite at St Dominic's in Fielding but there was a long wait. Maxine also said that there is a script for Loratadine. We hadn’t been home for long when a guy came and dropped off the script. Maxine has also made an appointment for me to go see her on Tuesday the 16th of August at 1.30pm at the Horowhenua Health Centre so we can fill in the forms for me to go into respite at St Dominic’s. 

Maxine rang again on Friday with two lots of dates for respite. The first one was from the 21st of September to 26th September and the second lot was for October sometime but I have taken the September lot just to get it over and done with. While I was on the phone I asked about Mirtazapine but the doctors notes still haven’t been written up and put into my file yet. Maxine said she will try and find out and get back to me later in the day. I didn’t hear back.

I hadn’t taken the Mirtazapine for four days, I am not snapping near as much and I am sleeping a bit more at night now. Seems like I am not responding to Mirtazapine and it is affecting me. Stephen wants me to start taking the Mirtazapine again and if I go back to what I was 4 days ago then we know it is the Mirtazapine that’s affecting my moods and making them worst plus affecting my sleeping.

All this week I felt so fucking tired and lack of energy, doing anything has been an affect. I just wanted to cuddle up somewhere and just sleep for a few days. The last week has been so full on and with me not sleeping a hell a lot plus my moods been all over the place is starting to take its toll.

Since Tuesday the 9th of august, I have been having several panic attacks and getting upset at all hours of the day and night. I might have to start taking Lorazepam again.

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