Tina from Health and disability advocacy tried ringing late yesterday afternoon and left a message on our answer phone. I didn’t get the message till we got home and by that time it was far too late as it was almost 6pm when both Stephen I got home from being in Palmerston North for most of the day as we went over and bought a load of stuff back for a friend who is moving in here. I was thinking that we should have gone into the office while we were in Palmerston North. I will try and get hold of her on Monday.
I got a reply to my complaint against mental health yesterday. According to them it is normal for them to tell their clients to carry on with antidepressants that they are having an allergic reaction too. And also they are saying that they have done no wrong what so ever and pretty much said they were not in the wrong. Why the fuck can’t they take responsibly for their fuck ups.
I will be ring mental health on Monday and telling them to fuck it all. I no longer want to deal with the mother fuckers. I do not want to deal with mid central health at all now, as I have had enough. I must prefer to die than deal with the cunts. I’ve completely lost my faith in the health system.
I still have not received an appointment to see the female doctor at mental health. It just tells me that they do not want to deal with me. Why is it so hard to get some form of help? Do I have to kill myself before they wake up to themselves.
I made up my mind last night that I am no longer going to help myself and I have completely stopped taking the antidepressant. There is no point of me carrying on taking them.
Since receiving the letter from mental health yesterday my mood has been at it lowers in a long time. I just feel I just can’t carry on fighting the system as the fighting that I have done so far has got me nowhere at all. I just can’t do it anymore. How the hell am I suppose to carry on when I keep getting rejected when I seek the help.
I am sitting here with tears running down my face while I am writing this. I just can’t get pass the hurt feeling that has pretty much taken over my feelings since late yesterday. I have been trying to keep my mind busy all day by doing house work and playing on the computer but it hasn’t work. As the time goes on, the more upset and angry I become.
I just wish mental health would pull their heads out of their asses and see the damage they are doing to their clients and the damage they are doing to the service as the general public is becoming more aware of the crap that is going on within the service. Overall the health boards need to step in and sort out the crap within the mental health teams before the shit hits the fan.
Stephen rang his sister Alison today and Stephen was saying after he got off the phone that he is going to tell Tina from Health and disability advocacy that he want this complaint taken to the next step and He also said he feels like going to someone like Campbell Live and speak out against mental health.
My friend Linda who is moving in Thursday 20th of October is horrified with the entire treat I have gotten from the cunts. I have known Linda for 21 years and she said yesterday that this is the worst she has ever seen me.
I have become suicidal again. I want to end it all. Yep I want to choose the coward way out. I am a coward and feel I be better off being out of everyone way. At least they won’t have to put up with me and my shit. I only have myself to blame.
I bought everything on, everything is my fault. It is my fault that I witness my father beat the crap out of my mother as a young child, it is my fault for my parents breaking up when I was five, it is my fault my mother wouldn’t let me see any of my father’s family when I was growing up, it’s my fault my mother’s partner at the time physically, sexually, mentally and emotionally abuse me, it’s my fault I ended up under CYPS, it’s my fault I was a terror and a runner away while in the care of CYPS, it is my fault I was physically abuse by one foster family, and it was all my fault I was left to take care of myself at the age of 11 for 24 hours, 7 days a week in another foster home cause they couldn’t be fucked with me, it is my fault that I was made to go hungry days on end in another foster home, it’s my fault CYPS decided to give me back to my mother and discharge me from CYPS at the age of 16, it’s my fault my mother telling me just after I was discharged from CYPS that she never wanted me, it is my fault she kick me out at the age of 16 because she didn’t want me, it is my fault I was living on the streets because my mum didn’t want me, it was my fault the guy I was going out with at the age of 16 was cheating on me, physically beating me and controlling me. It was my fault that the next guy I go out with was cheating, kept choking me because he wanted to kill me, controlling me and taking all my money, then the guy I was going out with before Stephen was controlling, cheating (Tony I know you where so you can stop bullshitting about that), and just gave me shit for whatever he could. It is also my fault for all the shit that has happen in my family, it’s my fault that my family are screwed up. It is my fault that my family doesn’t want to know me. It is also my fault any other shit that has happen in my life. This shows that I am better off being dead. I am not worth wasting the space that could be used for someone who is worthy of the space.
I have a plan building up in my head how I want to end it. It be using a knife or taking an overdose. I am getting closer and closer to actually doing it. I am just going deeper and deeper into this black hole. I have no way of getting out and no one is willing to give me the support I need. The more I think about ending my life, the more I like that idea. I die my pain will go and the stress I am putting on everyone else would go away.
I know I don’t mean anything to anyone. It is hard but I have to live with it but I have to live with it. People these days don’t want to know me unless they want to use me for something. I barely have any support at all. Stephen is over it all. Kelly doesn’t want to know. Nicola barely speaks to me these days. Linda I think is in two minds at the moment. Tony only wants to know me if it is for his benefit. Selina well if it isn’t all about her, she doesn’t give a fuck (to her the world should be focus just on her). That is pretty much the circle I have left. All my other friends gave up on me long time ago.
I wish I knew how to stop these tears. For the last 6 hours, I have spent at least 90% of it crying. Stephen doesn’t even care. He has just carried on doing his thing and not giving a fuck. At lease I know he has given up on the way I have been acting. I don’t blame him as I have put him thru shit in the last year or so. I am not worth the time or energy from anyone now. I am just a lost cause.
As I go on with this the more I am breaking, the more I am hurting, the more I am crying, the more I want to end it, the more I am regretting seeking help, the more I wish I wasn’t the blame for everything that has happen in my 29 years on this planet.
Everyone who reads this most likely tell that my mind is not all there and my head isn’t in the right head space.