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Friday, 13 July 2018

An update...

HI all.

I know I pretty much dropped off the face of the earth for a fare while. Can't believe it's been almost 7 years since my last post.

Well life has been pretty interesting. I moved from Levin to Palmerston North 4 years ago due to medical reasons. To be honest it was the best move for my mental health.  I don't have many low days now and they aren't anywhere near as bad I use to be when a low day pops up.

I am doing far better. As my partner says I'm 80% back to my normal self. 😊 feels great feeling more like a human again.

I'm now back in regular contact with family after many years having zero contact with them. Been in contact now for 4 years.

I did Leisure marching for a year but sadly I had to give it up in December 2016 due to my health on top of being bullied by the coach of the team. But I walked away with my head held high and have moved on. Due to the bullying I don't think I will ever go back to marching sadly. Lesson learnt that things are not always what they appear.

I have met a few amazing people over the last 4 years that has had a positive effect on my life. I found that once I rid of the no hopers / negative assholes out of my life my mood lifted. I also reconnected with a couple of old friends who one I lost contact with a few years ago and the second whom I had walked away from at the time due to a falling out.

 I will leave it here for now. I will try and pop back on here at some stage and do a few updates etc.